Saturday, August 27, 2016


10" x 10"
Acrylic on wood

“All is leaf.” - Goethe

Initially drawing this piece it struck me how it could work as a symbol for the unity of the organism-field relationship, in resonance with the universal archetypes or sacred geometry, and the creative, emergent evolutionary self-organizing forces of bio-logic working at all scales in Nature.

"Bio-Vision" is about the philosophy of the natural intelligence of life, at work in the evolutionary sense-making of natural selection and the self-organization of forms and systems of life through bio-logic.  

“This is a green world, with animals comparatively few and small, and all dependent on the leaves. By leaves we live.” - Patrick Geddes

"Both leaves and eyes have learned how to make sense of photons of light." - Simon G. Powell

“A symbol as something that connects thinking and feeling.” - Paul Laffoley 

  Breakdown of the symbolic meaning:
Vesica Pisces - (overlapping circles) an archetypal symbol for creation, emergence, convergence, birth, a portal -  sacred geometry of higher dimensional archetypes, the cosmic code, generative laws of physics and life, levels of universal dynamic form attractors 
The Field - the extended spacial influence of the archetype on the organisms relationship with the environment through the evolutionary processes of bio-logic  
The Eye - symbolizes the emergence of intelligence or awareness within and through Nature  
The Leaf - symbol for Nature and the total organism/field-environment integration as an emergent whole/part self-organizing natural intelligence in resonance with the archetypal


Another way of thinking about this is how the natural intelligence of life emerges harmonically in a universe of life generative physics and archetypes.

I think about the universe as unified fractal contexts of relative meaning: contexts of the cosmos, of the natural world, and of human consciousness, each embedded and growing out of the other, and I think all can be said to be alive, if they all share universal meaningful processes throughout and at the lowest physical level. So we all share entropy and decay materially (and creative self-organization, or extropy, from that level also) in that we are bodies of particles that use and breakdown energy, and so even at a material level the universe is meaningful in process and pattern, because an organized and lawful matter, is meaningful matter! Physics is just a slower form of life in a way. And life isn't just an accident on top of the laws of physics, it directly grows out of it's laws. Equally consciousness isn't an epiphenomenon byproduct accident on top of the supposed accident life, a view which is the home of most establishment orthodox and reductionist science, that sees evolution is a "directionless" and pointless process. 

These are all various levels and ways of telling and re-telling our changing cosmic story about the world and ourselves, in that our metaphors, myths, or stories have gone from a cosmos created as an object by a detached god, to a machine breaking down and set up by an abandoned and detached god, to what I think could now be called an emergent or self-created and creative cosmos, where the processes of creativity found in human activity are a unifying factor found to be at work and come from within the organizing forces and dynamics in nature as a whole.

"This is a creating universe not a created one." - Walter Russell

"Nature, the Universe, can be seen as one vast system of self-organizing intelligence, biological evolution being one particular way in which this intelligence gradually but inexorably expresses itself." - Simon G. Powell 
"As intimated, my chief contention is that evolution through natural selection is a process that displays the chief characteristics of intelligence. I also contend that the laws of Nature, which facilitate evolution, are likewise bound up with intelligence. I portray this new perspective in terms of *natural intelligence (thus making it distinguishable from, say, artificial intelligence or human intelligence)." - Simon G. Powell

"Life is a naturally intelligent organic technology running on the universe. It does not use copper wire, cogs, electronic circuits, and such--but rather DNA, proteins, enzymes, chemical cycles, and various self-organizing molecular processes. Further, evolution is the naturally intelligent process that crafts this naturally intelligent technology." - Simon G. Powell 

"What if life were not a cosmic accident but the essential reality at the very heart of the elegant machinery of the universe? What if Darwin's principle of natural selection were merely a tiny fractal embodiment of a universal life-giving principle that drives the evolution of stars, galaxies, and the cosmos itself? What if the universe were literally in the process of coming to life?" - James N. Gardner  
"I am suggesting that there may come a time when physics will be willing to learn from biology as biology has been willing to learn from physics, a time when physics will accept the endless diversity of nature as one of it's central themes, just as biology has accepted the unity of the genetic coding apparatus as one of it's central dogmas." - Freeman Dyson 
"The properties of matter and the course of cosmic evolution are now seen to be intimately related to the structure of the living being and to its activities; they become, therefore, far more important in biology than has previously been suspected. For the whole evolutionary process, both cosmic and organic, is one, and the biologist may now rightly regard the Universe in its very essence as biocentric." - Lawrence J. Henderson 
"Apparently there is a great discovery or insight which our culture is deliberately designed to suppress, distort and ignore. That is that Nature is some kind of minded entity. That Nature is not simply the random flight of atoms through electromagnetic fields. Nature is not the empty, de-spiritualized lumpen matter that we inherit from modern physics. But it is instead a kind of intelligence, a kind of mind." - Terence Mckenna 
"Nature is not mute; it is man who is deaf" - Terence Mckenna 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Metaverse: Geometries of Cosmos

"Metaverse: Geometries of Cosmos"
20" circle 
Oil on canvas

My visual concept model of the multi-verse black (w)hole. The inside of the black whole is at the center, containing an entire universe at macro level, and the black hole is the transitional light perimeter, with the birth of another universe expanding outwards, with the process embedded fractally within itself in the toroid form. 

For me this takes care of the whole "edge of the universe, but what's outside that?" problem. The black hole could really only be a dimensional threshold that births universes. 

It could be a film, with the membrane of the sphere as the black hole event horizon, with universes on both sides, and with a third universe that's not visible which has the galaxy with a collapsing star that created the particular black hole for each one. 

This would be a 2d slice of a 5d meta-verse concept, or a place to see the before and after stages of all the universes from.


"The cosmological picture that emerges--a map in time as well as in space--is not what most of us expected. It offers a new perspective on how a single "genesis event" created billions of galaxies, black holes, stars, and planets, and how atoms have been assembled--here on Earth, and perhaps other worlds--into living beings intricate enough to ponder their origins. There are deep connections between stars and atoms, between the cosmos and the microworld. . . . Our emergence and survival depend on very special "tuning" of the cosmos--a cosmos that may be even vaster than the universe that we can actual see." - Martin Rees