Thursday, October 22, 2015

Light Tuned Leafs

"Field of Awareness"
12" x 16"
Oil on canvas, 2015

"Light Tuned Leaf 1"
12" x 12"
Oil on canvas, 2014

"Light Tuned Leaf 2"
12" x 12"
Oil on Canvas, 2014

"The world is not a machine. Everything in it is force, life, thought." - Leibniz

"I believe a leaf of grass is no less the journeywork of the stars." - Walt Whitman

Abstract Visionary Work

"Convergence - Emergence"
30" x 30"
Oil on canvas, 2010
“The emergent paradigm of self-organization permits the elaboration of a vision based on the interconnectedness of natural dynamics at all levels of evolving micro-macrosystems.” - Erich Jantsch
  "The eye is the first circle, the horizon which it forms is the second: and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Unity of the Whole-Part"
40" x 50"
Oil on canvas, 2006
"Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once." Johann Lavarter
"One principle must make the universe a single complex living creature, one from all." - Plotinus 
"You cannot conceive of the many without the one… The study of the unit is among those that lead the mind on and turn it to the vision of reality" - Plato
"The geometer's aim, therefore, is to imitate the universe symbolically, depicting it's central paradox by bringing together shapes of different geometric orders, uniting them as simply and accurately as possible and thus creating a cosmic image" - John Michell

"Light Sphere Field"
30" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas, 2008 

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Artificial Leaf: Plants As Technology

"The Artificial Leaf: Plants as Technology"
12" x 12"
Oil on canvas, 2015

"The 'artificial leaf,' a device that can harness sunlight to split water into hydrogen and oxygen without needing any external connections, is seen with some real leaves, which also convert the energy of sunlight directly into storable chemical form."- Julian Melchiorri


This piece was inspired mainly by Julian Melchiorri's invention of the artificial silk leaf, but also by how the natural world and specifically plants can be seen to work organizationally as self-organizing technology, and how leaves are already like high technology light frequency machines that are greater than machines because they make, design, and renew themselves continuously in dynamic translation and transformation with their larger context or environment, and are not designed or made by parts from the outside, like a machine or a ceramic. I think this is also a good Gaian direction for technology to head that will allow for more insight into nature, and help to bring technology and science into harmony with nature and man, but it's also way to easily deliver oxygen in space travel environments.


Field, Form, Vision: Geometries of Nature

"Field, Form, Vision: Geometries of Nature"
12'' x 12''
oil on canvas
"The most modest plant… expresses its independent being in the form of its leaf, flower, and fruit, as does the butterfly in its larva, pupa and imago. Those marine snails which are seen by no eye except that of the occasional human explorer, express their essence in a host of splendid forms and colors -- each according to its kind. Their appearance speaks of a language of which we suspect we can grasp a few words, and gives evidence of a hidden power of life, that goes beyond the needs of self-preservation." - Adolf Portmann
"Nature speaks with a thousands voices, and we have only begun to listen." - Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers.
“There is a transcendental dimension beyond language…. It’s just hard as hell to talk about it.” - Terence McKenna

Medicinal Cannabis Altarpiece

"Medicinal Cannabis Altarpiece"
30" x 30"
Oil on canvas
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"I do not consider myself a religious person in the usual sense, but there is a religious aspect to some highs. The heightened sensitivity in all areas gives me a feeling of communion with my surroundings, both animate and inanimate." - Carl Sagan 
"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world." - Carl Sagan

"Cannabinoid Pharmakeia"
12" x 16"
Oil on canvas
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"It will not be technology that changes weed, it will be weed that transforms and develops technologies with applications in a variety of industries we are only beginning to imagine.  The plant comprises more medicinal compounds than any other plant by orders of magnitude. It is a complete food source, and oil source and a fiber source.” - Kevin McKernan, founder of Medicinal Genomics

"Our endocannabinoid system is involved in essentially every single disease process that is out there, and this is why cannabis has such far reaching benefits, is that by balancing our own naturally occurring endocannabinoid system we can positively impact any disease process that’s out there." - Dr. Mike Steward

“The endocannabinoid system resides within all animals except the insect. It’s a 600,000 million year old messenger and receptor system integral to homeostasis or the management of balance within your body. From embryonic development to immunosurveillance there is not a single function in your bodies that is not influenced or modulated by the endocannabinoid system.” - Dr. Rachel M Knox, MD

- The Emerging Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Endocrine Regulation and Energy Balance
- 44 Medical Studies that Demonstrate Cannabis Can Treat Cancer
- ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM: How We Evolved With the Cannabis Plant
- The endocannabinoid system and the revolution of one | Rachel Knox | TEDxPortland